Egg production peaks in Jordan poultry houses

Al Jazeera Agriculture Co. is a fully integrated poultry processing company, founded in 2001 in Jordan. The company has its own grandparent, breeders and broiler farms, and a hatchery, slaughterhouse and feed mill. The cooperation between Al Jazeera Agriculture and Roxell goes back to 2002. An audit of the poultry equipment recently revealed the need for additional training of the local staff.


Outlining how the systems work together and how that relates to the management of the flock made a huge difference. Mr. Abd Al Nasser Al Hussaini, general manager of Al Jazeera Agriculture, testifies.

Roxell’s feeding, drinking and nesting systems are performing very well in our broiler, broiler breeder and grandparent farms. Performant systems combined with optimized management are Roxell’s motto. Therefore, it was no surprise to us that we were able to achieve the very best result ever with the 2 latest parent stock-flocks. We are proud to say we have even beaten Jordan’s country record. The result at egg peak production was over 85%. The percentage fertile eggs made an impressive 94%.
Abd Al Nasser Al Hussaini

These results have been achieved in 2 parent stock-flocks of around 45.000 females (per flock) coming from both Cobb and Hubbard. At that point, the hens were 34 weeks of age.

Roxell’s expertise and Al Jazeera’s continues striving to become the number one for high quality chicken meat, made this project a success.


About Al Jazeera Agriculture Company

Al Jazeera Agriculture Co. produces, processes, markets and distributes fresh and frozen chicken. They have an own Al Jazeera Chicken brand which they sell to retailers, food service distributors and restaurants. They also export chicken products to customers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabi, Egypt, Qatar, Malaysia, Brunei, China and Iraq.